Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] Kabat, Daniel., et al. »Women at War: The Crucible of Vietnam.« SSM - Population Health (January 2017).

[Info] Kabayiza, Callixte, et al. »Les viols pendant le g nocide des Tutsi: Un crime d envie.« Remembering Mass Violence: Oral History, New Media, and Performance. Edited by Steven High et al. Toronto 2014: 282-296.

[Info] Kabir, Ananya J. »Double Violation? (Not) Talking about Sexual Violence in Contemporary South Asia.« Feminism, Literature and Rape Narratives: Violence and Violation. Edited by Sorcha Gunne et al. New York 2010: 146-163.

[Info] Kabir, Shahriar, ed. Tormenting Seventy One: An account of Pakistan army's atrocities during Bangladesh liberation war of 1971. Dhaka 1999.

[Info] Kaczmarek, Ludger. »Lolita - Vorlage, Bearbeitungen, Motivkomplex.« Medienwissenschaft / Hamburg No. 63 (2006).

[Info] Kaever, Roswitha, et al., eds. Leben und Wirken des Peter K rten, genannt der Vampir von D sseldorf. Munich 1974.

[Info] Kaffarnik, Julia. Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen im antiken Athen. Hamburg 2013.

[Info] Kaganas, Felicity, et al. »Law Reform and the Family: The New South African Rape-in-Marriage Legislation.« Journal of Law and Society 18 (1991): 287-302.

[Info] Kahn, Copp lia. »The Rape in Shakespeare s LucreceShakespeare Studies 9 (1976): 45-72.

[Info] Kahn, Copp lia. »Lucrece: The Sexual Politics of Subjectivity.« Rape and Representation. Edited by Lynn A. Higgins et al. New York 1991: 141-159.

[Info] Kahn, Copp lia. »Publishing Shame: The Rape of LucreceA Companion to Shakespeare s Works. Vol. IV. Edited by Richard Dutton et al. Malden 2003: 259-274.

[Info] Kahn, Madeleine. Why Are We Reading Ovid s Handbook on Rape? Teaching and Learning at a Women s College. Boulder 2005.

[Info] Kahn, Madeleine. Why Are We Reading Ovid s Handbook on Rape? Teaching and Learning at a Women s College. New York 2016.

[Info] Kahn, Nadeem E. »Männlichkeit und ehrbasierte Gewalt in arabischen Quellen zu den Kreuzzügen: Ehre als Handlungsmotiv oder polemisches Narrativ?« Gewalt, Krieg und Geschlecht im Mittelalter. Edited by Amalie Fößel. Berlin 2020: 469-494.

[Info] Kahn, Sara, et al. » They Should See Us as a Symbol of Reconciliation : Youth Born of Genocidal Rape in Rwanda and the Implications for Transitional Justice.« Journal of Human Rights Practice 11 (2019): 151-170.

[Info] Kahn, Sarilee, et al. » I Asked Myself If I Would Ever Love My Baby : Mothering Children Born of Genocidal Rape in Rwanda.« Violence Against Women (October 5, 2018).

[Info] Kahn, Sarilee, et al. » We are children like others : Pathways to mental health and healing for children born of genocidal rape in Rwanda.« Transcultural Psychiatry (March 7, 2019).

[Info] Kahr, Brett. »The Sexual Molestation of Children: Historical Perspectives.« Journal of Psychohistory 19 (1991): 191-214.

[Info] Kahr, Brett. »The history of sexuality. From ancient polymorphous perversity to modern genital love.« Journal of psychohistory 26 (1999): 764-778.

[Info] Kaiho, Shuppansha, ed. Kim Hak-soon-san no shogen. "Jugun ianfu mondai" o tou. Osaka 1993.

[Info] Kaiser, Anica P., et al. »Women at War: The Crucible of Vietnam.« SSM - Population Health (January 2017).

[Info] Kaiser, Daniel H. »"He said, she said". Rape and gender discourse in early modern Russia.« Kritika 3 (2002): 197-216.

[Info] Kaiser, Daniel H. » On skazal, ona skazala . Iznasilovanie i gendernyi diskurs v Rossii rannego moderna.« Social naia istorija (2003): 249-268.

[Info] Kaiser, Hilary. »Clergy sexual abuse in U.S. mainline churches.« American studies international 34 (1996): 30-42.

[Info] Kaiser, Marie, et al. »Psychosoziale Konsequenzen des Aufwachsens als Besatzungskind in Deutschland.« Besatzungskinder: Die Nachkommen alliierter Soldaten in sterreich und Deutschland. Edited by Barbara Stelzl-Marx et al. Vienna 2015: 39-61.

[Info] Kaiser, Michael. »Gewaltspezialistin und Gewaltopfer: Historische Beobachtungen zu Grimmelshausens CourascheSimpliciana 31 (2009): 183-208.

[Info] Kaitesi, Usta. Genocidal Gender and Sexual Violence: The legacy of the ICTR, Rwanda's ordinary courts and gacaca courts. Cambridge 2014.

[Info] Kajatin, Claudia, et al., eds. Frauen und Gewalt: Interdisziplin re Untersuchungen zu geschlechtsgebundener Gewalt in Theorie und Praxis. W rzburg 2003.

[Info] Kajimura, Michiko. »Sexuelle Sklaverei im Asian-Pazifik-Krieg. 10 Jahre Aufkl rungsarbeit im T terland. Bilanzen und Perspektiven.« Zwangsprostitution von Frauen in bewaffneten Konflikten. Kriegsverbrechen und Menschenrechtsverletzung. Bonn 2001.

[Info] Kaladelfos, Amanda. Crime and Outrage: Sexual Villains and Sexual Violence in New South Wales, 1870-1930. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sydney, 2010.

[Info] Kaladelfos, Amanda. »The Condemned Criminals : sexual violence, race, and manliness in colonial Australia.« Women s History Review 21 (2012): 697-714.

[Info] Kaladelfos, Amanda. »The politics of punishment. Rape and the death penalty in colonial Australia, 1841-1901.« History Australia 9 (2012): 155-175.

[Info] Kaladelfos, Amanda, et al. »Hierarchies of Harm and Violence: Historicising Familial Sexual Violence in Australia.« Australian Feminist Studies 29 (2014): 306-324.

[Info] Kaladelfos, Amanda, et al. Sex Crimes in the Fifties. Carlton 2016.

[Info] Kaladelfos, Andy, et al. »Lawyers' Strategies for Cross-Examining Rape Complainants: Have We Moved Beyong the 1950s?« British Journal of Criminology 57 (2017): 551-569.

[Info] Kaladelfos, Andy, et al. »Race and Ethnicity in Sex Crimes Trials from 1950s Australia.« Legacies of Violence: Rendering the Unspeakable Past in Modern Australia. Edited by Robert Mason. New York 2017: 217-232.

[Info] Kalashnikov, Antony. »Treatment of Captives in Ancient Greek Warfare: A Vicious Circle.« Vexillum 3 (2013).

[Info] Kalbian, Aline H. Sex, Violence, and Justice: Contraception and the Catholic Church. Washington, D.C. 2014.

[Info] Kalbing, Nikki. »A Matter of Life and Death: Criminal Law and the Death Penalty in South West Africa (SWA) under South African Rule, 1915-1939.« South African Historical Journal 66 (2014): 249-269.

[Info] Kalcher, Michaela. »Why Rape? Explaining Different Levels of Sexual Violence in Civil War.« Social & Political Review 28 (2018): 77-84.

[Info] Kalfaian, Eva E. Faith Ringgold's Slave Rape Story Quilt: Stitching the Histories of Enslaved African American Women. M.A. Thesis, American University, 2021.

[Info] Kallenberg, Vera. »Der Streit um den ,Judenpurschen : Interagierende Herrschafts- und Handlungsr ume in der deutsch-j dischen Geschichte Hessen-Kassels und der Reichritterschaft der Freiherrn von Th ngen um 1800. Ein Fallbeispiel.« Kaiser und Reich in der j dischen Lokalgeschichte. Edited by Stefan Ehrenpreis et al. Munich 2013: 93-116.

[Info] Kallenberg, Vera. »Sexualisierte Gewalt, Judenfeindschaft und marginalisierte jüdische Männlichkeit: Eine intersektionale Analyse des Kriminalprozesses gegen den ‚Schutzjudensohn‘ Heyum Windmühl (Frankfurt a.M. 1808).« Verschränkte Ungleichheit: Praktiken der Intersektionalität in der Frühen Neuzeit. Edited by Matthias Bähr et al. Berlin 2018: 205-241.

[Info] Kallio, Natalie. Aboriginality & Sexualised Violence: The Tisdale Rape Case in the Saskatoon StarPhoenix. M.A. Thesis, Concordia University, 2006.

[Info] Kalmanofsky, Amy. » As She Did, Do To Her! : Jeremiah s OAN as Revenge Fantasies.« Concerning the Nations: Essays on the Oracles against the Nations in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Edited by Else K. Holt et al. New York 2015: 109-127.

[Info] Ka?u?na, Magdalena. »Przemoc seksualna w konfliktach zbrojnych. Trauma kobiet niemieckich w czasie II wojny ?wiatowej.« Przegl?d zachodni 65 (2009): 111-124.

[Info] Kamal, Sultana. »The 1971 genocide in Bangladesh and crimes committed against women.« Common grounds. Violence against women in war and armed conflict situations. Edited by Indai L. Sajor. Quezon City 1998: 268-281.

[Info] Kamisar, Yale. »Miranda v. ArizonaThe Oxford Companion to United States History. Edited by Paul S. Boyer. Oxford 2001: 506.

[Info] Kamp, Marianne. »Femicide as Terrorism: The Case of Uzbekistan's Unveiling Murders.« Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights. Edited by Elizabeth D. Heineman. Philadelphia 2011: 56-70.

[Info] Kanavy, Mary J., et al. »The effect of religion on forcible rape. A structural analysis.« Journal for the scientific study of religion 22 (1983): 67-74.

[Info] Kandler, Philipp, et al. »Zwischen Skandalisierung und Aufarbeitung: Die Colonia Dignidad in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit.« Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 71 (2024): 297-320.

[Info] Kane, Nina R. The Treatment of Rape in Women's Performance Art and Sarah Kane's Blasted. Masters Thesis, University of Huddersfield, 2008.

[Info] Kang, C.S. »Ilbongun wianso eui chiyokjuk bunpowa keu teukjing.« Ilbon gun wianbu munje ?i jinsang. Edited by Korean Council. Seoul 1997.

[Info] Kang, Han, et al. »The Role of Sexual Assault on the Risk of PTSD among Gulf War Veterans.« Annals of Epidemiology 15 (2005): 191-195.

[Info] Kang, Laura H.Y. Traffic in Asian Women. Durham 2020.

[Info] Kang, Man-kil. »Ilbon gun "wianbu" ?i kaeny?m kwa hoch ing munje.« Ilbon gun wianbu munje ?i jinsang. Edited by Han guk Ch?ngsindae Taech aek Hy?puihoe Chinsangchosa Y?n guhoe. Seoul 1997: 11-36.

[Info] Kang, S.M., et al. »Chunhwangjekuk gwa sungpokryuk.« Hanguk yeosunghak 9 (1993): 52-89.

[Info] Kang, So-young. »??? ??? ???? ???: ??? ???(?????)? ???? ??.« ???? No. 36 (2019): 5-29.

[Info] Kang, Tokkyong. »From the women s volunteer labour.« True stories of the Korean comfort women: testimonies. Edited by Keith Howard. London 1995: 175-184.

[Info] Kang, Yong-gw?n. Kk?lly? kan saramd?l, ppaeatkin saramd?l. Kangje chingyongja wa chonggun wianbu ?i ch?ng?n. Seoul 2000.

[Info] Kann, Mark E. Taming Passion for the Public Good: Policing Sex in the Early Republic. New York 2013.

[Info] Kanogo, Tabitha. African Womanhood in Colonial Kenya, 1900-1950. Oxford 2005.

[Info] Kantengwa, Odeth. How Motherhood Triumphs over Traumahood among mothers with children from Genocidal Rape in Rwanda. Maastricht 2014.

[Info] Kantonen, Arto. Rwanda Crisis and Genocide in Case Law of Rwanda Tribunal. Master's Thesis, University of Helsinki, 2006.

[Info] Kantor, Viktoria, et al. Psychotraumatologische Fragestellungen zu Gewalt und Missbrauch in der Katholischen Kirche. Vienna 2012.

[Info] Kantor, Viktoria, et al. Psychotraumatologische Fragestellungen zu sexuellem Missbrauch und Gewalt in Einrichtungen des Landes Nieder sterreich. Vienna 2013.

[Info] Kanumoyoso Bondan, et al. »Penggunaan Gedung Papak Sebagai Ianjo di Desa Geyer Grobogan, 1942-1945.« Fajar Historia: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah dan Pendidikan 6 (2022): 184-200.

[Info] Kaplan, Temma. »Female consciousness and collective action. The case of Barcelona, 1910-1918.« Signs 7 (1982): 545-566.

[Info] Kappeler, Susanne, et al., eds. Vergewaltigung, Krieg, Nationalismus. Eine feministische Kritik. Munich 1994.

[Info] Karakantza, E.D. »The semiology of rape. The meeting of Odysseus and Nausikaa in Book 6 of the Odyssey.« Classics Ireland 10 (2003).

[Info] Karakassi, Katerina. »Susanna oder la vergogneuse nature de damesTRANS No. 17 (2010).

[Info] Karcher, Carolyn L. »Rape, murder and revenge in "Slavery s Pleasant Homes". Lydia Maria Child s antislavery fiction and the limits of genre.« Women s studies international forum 9 (1986): 323-332.

[Info] Karcher, Carolyn L. »Rape, murder, and revenge in "Slavery s Pleasant Homes". Lydia Maria Child s antislavery fiction and the limits of genre.« The culture of sentiment. Race, gender, and sentimentality in nineteenth-century America. Edited by Shirley Samuels. New York 1992: 58-72.

[Info] Karcher, Katharina. »How (not) to Hollaback : Towards a transnational debate on the Red Zora and militant tactics in the feminist struggle against gender-based violence.« Feminist Media Studies (October 16, 2015).

[Info] Karić, Verka. »Feminicidio en la novela 2666 de Roerto Bolaño.« Investigaciones interculturales de jóvenes hispanistas en Serbia: Actas de la Tercera conferencia nacional de hispanistas serbios, celebrada el 9 y el 10 de abril de 2022 en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad de Novi Sad). Edited by Bojana K. Petrović et al. Novi Sad 2024: 26-42.

[Info] Karki, Isha. »Scripting Resistance: Rape and the Avenging Woman in Hindi Cinema.« Journal of International Women's Studies 20 (2019): 83-102.

[Info] Karlin, Katherine. » A Known Rapist in my Apartment : What We Don t Remember about Saturday Night FeverBright Wall/Dark Room No. 72 (2019).

[Info] Karlin, Katherine. »A Rapist in My Apartment: Class, Rape, and Saturday Night FeverScreening #MeToo: Rape Culture in Hollywood. Edited by Lisa Funnell et al. Albany 2022: 47-62.

[Info] Karlin-Hayter, Patricia. »Further Notes on Byzantine Marriage: Raptus -- ?????? or ??????????« Dumbarton Oaks Papers 46 (1992): 133-154.

[Info] Karloff, Kim E. To know her name. Rape victim identification and the United States press. Ann Arbor 2002.

[Info] Karlsson, Lena, et al. »V ldt kt i Sverige 1990-2013: Ett historiskt och intersektionellt perspektiv p ber ttelser om v ldt kt inom olika genrer.« Gr nsl s No. 6 (2016): 82-92.

[Info] Karlsson, Lena. »Medvetandeh jning anno 2010: #prataomdet, sj lvbiografiskt ber ttande och feministisk mobilisering mot sexuellt v ld online.« Plats f r makt: en v nbok till Monika Edgren. Edited by Ulrika Holgersson et al. G teborg 2018: 260-276.

[Info] Karlsson, Lena, et al., eds. Rape Narratives in Motion. Cham 2019.

[Info] Karmakar, Goutam. »Narrating Rape and Resistance: Tracing the Trajectories of Birangona in Rizia Rahman’s Letters of BloodNarratives of Loss and Longing: Literary Developments in Postcolonial South Asia. Edited by Nukhbah Taj Langah et al. London 2025: 103-122.

[Info] Karpi?ski, Andrzej. »Child abuse in Polish towns. 16th-18th centuries.« Acta Poloniae historica No. 88 (2003): 37-64.

[Info] Karpos, Maryaltani, et al. »Managing rape. Exploratory research on the behavior of rape statistics.« Criminology 31 (1993): 363-385.

[Info] Karras, Ruth M. »Sexuality in the Middle Ages.« The medieval world. Edited by Peter Linehan et al. London 2001: 279-293.

[Info] Karras, Ruth M. Sexuality in Medieval Europe: Doing unto others. New York 2005.

[Info] Karras, Ruth M. Sexuality in Medieval Europe: Doing unto others. New York 2012.

[Info] Kasiarz, Natalia. "Kaśki" przełomu XIX i XX wieku: Literatura wobec gwałtu na podstawie Kaśki Kariatydy Gabrieli Zapolskiej, Intermezzo Marii Komornickiej oraz Cudzoziemki Marii Kuncewiczowej. Master Thesis, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2022.

[Info] Ka i?, Biljana. »How to radicalize responsibility. Feminism and rape.« Deportate, esuli, profughe No. 10 (2009): 168-180.

[Info] Kaşıkçı. Mehmet V. »Gendering starvation: Women's experiences of the Kazakh famine, 1930–1933.« Gender & History (August 12, 2024).

[Info] Kaske, R.E. »Amnon and Thamar on a misericord in Hereford Cathedral.« Traditio 45 (1990): 1-6.

[Info] Kassing, Reinhild, et al. »Bordelle in deutschen Konzentrationslagern.« K(r)ampfader 6 (1991).

[Info] Kastrat, Aida. Die Darstellung sexueller Gewalt im postjugoslawischen Film: Eine feministische Kritik. Diplomarbeit, Universit t Wien, 2015.

[Info] Kasumi, Nakagawa. Gender-based violence during the Khmer Rouge regime. Stories of survivors from the Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979). Phnom Penh 2008.

[Info] Katyayani, et al. »Philomela's Tapestry and #MeToo: Reading Ovid in an Indian Feminist Classroom.« #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. New York 2021: 135-149.

[Info] Katschnig, Tamara, et al. »Gewalt in Wiener Heimen zwischen 1945 und 1990 eine retrospektive Studie aus psychotraumatologischer Perspektive.« neuropsychiatrie (September 2013).

[Info] Katsoudas, Kostas. »Notes on Sexual Violence during the Greek Civil War.« Violence and Politics: Ideologies, Identities, Representations. Edited by Antonios Ampoutis et al. Newcastle upon Tyne 2018: 238-251.

[Info] Katz, Elizabeth. » Wife beating and uninvited kisses in the Supreme Court and society in the early twentieth century.«

[Info] Katz, Steven T. »Thoughts on the Intersection of Rape and Rassenchande during the Holocaust.« Modern Judaism 32 (2012): 293-322.

[Info] Katzenstein, Mary F. »Organizing against violence. Strategies of the Indian women s movement.« Pacific affairs 62 (1989): 53-71.

[Info] Kaufman, Amy S. »Erotic (Subject) Positions in Chaucer's Merchant's Tale.« Sexual Culture in the Literature of Medieval Britain. Edited by Amanda Hopkins et al. Cambridge 2014: 27-37.

[Info] Kauders, Anthony D. »Verf hrung, Hingabe, Auftrag: Hypnose und Verbrechen in Deutschland nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg.« Hypnose 10 (2015): 63-80.

[Info] Kauders, Anthony D. »Negotiating Free Will: Hypnosis and Crime in Early Twentieth-Century Germany.« Historical Journal 60 (2017): 1047-1069.

[Info] Kaufman, Anthony. »"The perils of Florinda". Aphra Behn, rape, and the subversion of libertiism in The Rover, Part 1.« Restoration and 18th century research 11 (1996): 1-21.

[Info] Kaul, Susanne. » sthetisierte und medienreflexive Gewaltdarstellungen bei Kubrick, Tarantino und Haneke.« Gewalt im Bild: Ein interdisziplin rer Diskurs. Edited by Heinz-Peter Preu er. Marburg 2018: 297-306.

[Info] K uper, Eva. Die Folter im Algerienkrieg zwischen m moire und histoire: Der Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Positionierung. W rzburg 2015.

[Info] Kaur, Hardev, et al. »Wartime Women Rape: A Means of Moral Attack and Emasculation in Lynn Nottage s Ruined.« International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 5 (2016): 113-120.

[Info] Kav?i?, Silvija. »Erinnern an sexuelle Gewalt.« Schnittstellen. Gesellschaft, Nation, Konflikt und Erinnerung in S dosteuropa. Festschrift f r Holm Sundhaussen zum 65. Geburtstag. Edited by Ulf Brunnbauer et al. Munich 2007: 485-493.

[Info] Kav?i?, Silvija. »Spominjanje na spolno nasilje ob koncu druge svetovne vojne.« Prispevki za novej o zgodovino 48 (2008): 131-138.

[Info] Kawada, Fumiko. Indoneshia no "ianfu". Tokyo 1997.

[Info] Kawana, Takahiro. Responsibility on Comfort Women by the Japanese Government. Självständigt arbete på grundnivå, Malmö universitet, 2024.

[Info] Kayitesi, Berthe, et al. »Les viols pendant le g nocide des Tutsi: Un crime d envie.« Remembering Mass Violence: Oral History, New Media, and Performance. Edited by Steven High et al. Toronto 2014: 282-296.

[Info] Kazim, Hasnain. »Der verlorene Kampf der Mukhtaran Mai.« Spiegel Online (April 23, 2001).

[Info] Kazmierczak, Luiz F. »Feridas da alma: An lise da tipifica o do estupro como genoc dio luz de uma criminologia feminista.« Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais No. 73 (2018): 479-504.

[Info] Kazue, Muta. »The comfort women issue and the embedded culture of sexual violence in contemporary Japan.« Current Sociology (April 26, 2016).

[Info] Keady, Jessica M. »Rape Culture Discourse and Female Impurity: Genesis 34 as a Case Study.« Rape Culture, Gender Violence, and Religion: Biblical Perspectives. Edited by Caroline Blyth et al. Cham 2018: 67-82.

[Info] Kear, Averil. Bermuda Dick. the true story of Forest of Dean convicts .... Lydney 2002.

[Info] Kearney, Paul, et al. »Sex, lies and video games.« British Journal of Educational Technology 38 (2007): 489-501.

[Info] Kearns, Emily. »Pindar and Euripides on Sex with Apollo.« Classical Quarterly 63 (2013): 57-67.

[Info] Keating, Anthony. »Church, State, and Sexual Crime against Children in Ireland after 1922.« Radharc 5-7 (2004-06): 155-180.

[Info] Keating, Anthony. »Setting the Agenda for the Press: The 1929 Case Against the Waterford StandardNew Hibernia Review 16 (2012): 17-32.

[Info] Keating, Anthony. »Sexual crime in the Irish Free State 1922 33: Its nature, extent and reporting.« Irish Studies Review 20 (2012): 135-155.

[Info] Keating, Anthony. »Women, Their Own Worst Enemy: Police Culture, Sexuality and Sexual Crime in the Irish Free State, 1929.« CRIMSOC (2014).

[Info] Keating, Anthony. »Honesty: The Stinging Fly on the Rump of Free State Respectability.« Estudios Irlandeses No. 12 (2017): 60-72.

[Info] Keating, Anthony. »Police Culture, Gender and Crime in the Irish Free State.« Environmental Criminology: Spatial Analysis and Regional Issues. Edited by Liam Leonard. Bingley 2018: 87-101.

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[Info] Kehoe, Thomas. »Control, Disempowerment, Fear, and Fantasy: Violent Criminality During the Early American Occupation of Germany, March-July 1945.« Australian Journal of Politics and History 62 (2016): 561-575.

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